There are so many ways you can support Keller Project Graduation. From restaurant and retail Spirit Events, to the PG Silent Auction, to Raffle Prizes for the seniors.

No goods or services to donate? That’s ok, you can be a sponsor and simply write a check. No matter how you support us, we make sure every penny has a purpose, and you’ll receive some great advertising and PR.

There are lots of ways you can Partner with Project Graduation: host a Spirit Night at your restaurant or a Spirit Event at your retail or virtual store; donate a portion/percentage of your business’s proceeds for goods or services purchased by Keller High Students or during a certain period of time; or provide a dollar amount per service you offer.

No matter how you break it down, you get more customers and PR, and we get more funding!

What’s even better is that we will then add your business to our Sponsor page for more eyes to see that your business has been a part of something so good.

To Partner: Please fill out the form below to get started!

Items or funds you or your business donate can benefit Project Graduation in many ways.

By contributing to raffle prizes the seniors can win at the Project Graduation event your help is guaranteed to make a difference.

The bigger and better the prizes we can provide, the more likely seniors will attend - and stay safe. And best of all, we are a 501c3, so your donations are tax deductible.

To Donate: Click the “Donation Item” button to commit an item for donation that will be received by our Donations Committee


click the “Donate $$” button for financial donations.

No matter the item or amount, you can show your support for Project Graduation by becoming a sponsor, and in turn, we’ll show our support for your business.

Our varying levels of sponsorship offer ways for your business to gain positive recognition for the support you generously offer us.

From your logo on our website that gets hundreds of views each week to postings on social media, you’ll establish positive brand recognition and win over new customers, too.

To Sponsor: Please fill out the form below, then click the “Donate $$” button to make your financial contribution. Once your donation is received, your logo will be added to our Sponsor page.